word power

The POWER of Power Words

How to get your messages, website and blogs noticed!


Ever wonder why some websites pump out viral post after viral post? Or why some brands have products that fly off the shelves while their competition falls flat? Or why you couldn’t resist clicking on a link you knew was a sleazy sales page?

The answer is simple.

These brands have smart marketers. Marketers who use power words. These power words trigger an emotional response and pack some serious punch to the allure of any sales page, headline or ad. People are utterly seduced by power words. These words get people to click, share and buy! What more could a smart marketing Cosmetologist want?

But how do these power words work?

Why Power Words Amp Up Your Marketing

Power words crank up your marketing effectiveness by:

  1. Invoking emotion: People connect to emotion, not words. Studies show that content that elicits “high arousal emotion” (anxiety, amusement) is more likely to get shared and go viral than content that doesn’t elicit emotion or elicits “low arousal” emotion. Power words are the key to evoking these “high arousal” emotions. Examples include words like “Instantly”, “Mistakes,” and “Hilarious”.


  1. Triggering curiosity: Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it makes the marketer’s life easy. Research published by Harvard Business Review found curiosity to be one of the most powerful triggers for something to “go viral”. Since we have a hard time resisting our curiosity, strategic use of power words makes it almost impossible for us to not to click, share, and read. Power words that trigger curiosity include words such as: Proves, reveals, and ridiculous.


Take this headline for example

21 Sibling horror stories that will make you cringe

The power words “cringe” and “horror stories” both elicit emotion (fear, anxiety), and their combination triggers curiosity (“why are these horror stories so cringe-worthy?”). If this headline just said “21 Funny Sibling Stories”, you probably wouldn’t be that interested. But, “21 cringe-worthy horror stories”, what entertaining surprises this article must contain!

The best thing about power-words is that there are so many to choose from. Google the phrase “power words” and feel yourself become dizzy from the hundreds to choose from!

These are the best places for you to use power words on your site:

  • Headlines
  • Sub-headlines
  • Product names
  • Pop-Ups
  • Landing Pages
  • Buttons
  • Testimonies
  • Email Subject headlines
  • Your business and domain names
  • Call to action

I hope this inspires you to add some POWER to your messages

Holiday marketing strategies

I love this time of the year!

Not for all the reasons that most people do, but because this is the time to really kick butt on your marketing strategies. If you have been a diligent Cosmetologist and kept very good client profile cards on your clients you will really rake in the business at this time of the year. If you haven’t been good at keeping up-to-date information on your clients, than there is no time like the present to do so! Get out that Client profile book and your appointment book, dust them off and start making phone calls, if you have to, in order to get everyone’s information up-to-date.You will need addresses, emails, birthdays, kids names, spouses names, heck even the pets names! Get it all! 

Now is when you should be sitting down and sending out your holiday cards to your clients. I have an amazing system that I use called sendoutcards.  I LOVE this company! Not only can I get this task done in about 10 minutes but it cost me pennies. I can send gifts, gift cards, brownies, cookies and a bunch of other stuff to all those clients who have made my business rock this last year. I can send cards that say what my holiday specials are, remind clients that I sell gift certificates that make great stocking stuffer’s and include photos of new products I’ll be introducing in 2016. All told I can hit my clients with at least four cards before the new year begins. 

Staying in front of your clients at all times is so important that Budweiser, Coke and Pepsi will spend millions at the super bowl this year to remind people of their products. YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT! You must constantly be at the front of your clients minds when it comes to getting their beauty services or they will be tempted to do business with someone else! Please check out this link to Sendoutcards.com and see how this incredible company can change your whole marketing game plan. If you have any questions about this company or how to use it, please email me here, I will answer all your questions without delay.

Mistakes Cost Money

When you first begin your career as a Cosmetologist it’s hard to adjust to life in the working salon environment. As a new business owner you will be faced with many decisions that you didn’t need to think about while you were in school. Here are some problems you may run into and solutions to those issues

  • What to charge

    One of the biggest difficulties you will face is what to charge your clients for the services you will be doing on them. Since you are new in the field you will not be able to command top dollar for your work but don’t fall into the trap of undercharging either. You should do research of other operators in your field. See what the average price is for services that they doing. When figuring out what You should charge, try to aim for something that is in the middle. Not too cheap, not to high. This gives you room to grow as you become more in demand and more skilled.
  • Collect as much information on a new client as you can
    In school this small step isn’t stressed but once you get going in your own business it will be the difference between success and failure. You will need mailing addresses, birthday information, spouse and children’s names and birthdays, any anniversaries that are important to your client, email addresses and social networking pages. All this information must be carefully cataloged in your client profile book and your pre-booking system. 
  • Do a complete consultation before you begin your service.
    A picture is worth a 1000 words. Ask new clients and clients who want a new look to always bring photos of what they have in mind. This one step will save time and money in the long run. Be careful of the client that keeps asking for more than what the original service involved. While you will be tempted to accommodate their wishes in an effort to keep them as a client you will end up losing money in the long run. Be firm but pleasant when you tell your client “that additional service will be extra”.
  • Corrective work mistakes
    When a client needs corrective work done, be careful not to underestimate the time and cost that it may require to do the job. Be upfront with your client about what all is involved in the service and make sure they understand that the price of the service may go up if more time and product is required than originally quoted. Always error on the side of caution. Better to quote more and give a discount at the end of the service than to need to sticker shock your client when you finish.


paying it forward

The phrase pay it forward is older than most of us realize. Menander (339 BC -290 BC) wrote about the concept in his play Dyskolos.
As a Cosmetologist you will be in constant contact with people from all walks of life who will have all kinds of events going on in their lives. A lot of these clients will confide in you their troubles and their fears. Some you will be able to help, others you will only be able to lend a sympathetic ear. Over the last 25 years I have had many people share the most intimate of stories with me. I have helped people with addictions seek the help that they needed. I have shown support to clients who had dreams that would have never come true if not for someone believing in them. I have attended sporting events for my clients kids to show them how important it was to me that they succeeded and stayed out of trouble. A person can never know what impact they will have on peoples lives but as a Cosmetologist you are given a special gift and a unique opportunity to touch people in very special and meaningful ways. This is a prayer I found to be most helpful in my years behind the chair

Lord make me an instrument of your Peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, let me grant pardon
Where there is doubt, let me plant faith
Where there is despair, let me give hope
Where there is darkness, let me be a light
Where there is sadness, let me bring forth joy

You will be blessed by giving to those who can never pay you back. You are your brothers and sisters keeper. Paying it forward starts with one person doing something for someone else and expecting nothing back but to experience the joy of knowing you may have just made all the difference in the world for the person you gave to.

lost art of coversation

In our profession as Cosmetologist we must reclaim the art of conversation. Your clients will be coming to you for more than just your skills as an operator, they are coming to you to connect, to converse and to share. Developing great communication skills is going to be one of your greatest assets

how to be a successful cosmetologist

Salt is in EVERYTHING it seems! Just look at the labels of most of the food you eat and you will see high levels of sodium is in almost all of them. Yesterday I was shopping for chicken, plain simple wholesome chicken. But Every package I picked up stated that sodium or a sodium type additive was added to the meat! Some of this added salt brought the sodium content up to 450 milligrams per 4 oz serving! That is almost a 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt in a single serving! Since I eat three to five servings a day, WOW that would have equaled a TEASPOON of salt just from the chicken! I ended up paying more for chicken that had no salt added but I think its a healthier choice in the long run.
Here is why salt is so dangerous.

  • High blood pressure: leading the pack for dangers is this one
  • Risk of having a stroke: Stokes come from high blood pressure!
  • Coronary heart disease: High blood pressure thickens the walls of your blood vessels making you heart work  harder to push blood through.
  • Stomach cancer: The bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is the major risk factor for stomach cancer as it can lead to inflammation of the stomach which can in turn lead to stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. H. Pylori in the stomach will not necessarily cause damage, however salt can damage the lining of the stomach, making it more  vulnerable to the effects of H.pylori, and salt may also increase the growth and action of the bacterium making it more likely to cause damage.
  • Osteoporosis: Most calcium in the body is stored in bones.  A high salt diet can cause calcium to be lost from bones and excreted in the urine, making bones weak and easily broken. High blood pressure caused by a high salt diet can speed up the loss of calcium from bones, worsening the problem
  • Obesity: Obesity is linked with numerous health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, CHD and sleep apnea.  Salt does not cause weight gain  itself but it does make you thirsty, this leads you to drink more fluids, if the fluids are sugary drinks they can cause weight gain because they contain a lot of calories. This is a major problem for children and teenagers as a third of the fluids they drink are sugary soft drinks.
  • Water Retention:  A high salt intake causes us to retain water, up to 1.5 liters or 3 quarts of it! Women who find they suffer from bloating may see a benefit from salt reduction.

This is just a short list, trust me there are about 10 more issues I can add. Needless to say, excessive Salt is not that great for you so you have to be vigilant about keeping an eye on how much salt your taking in. Remember 550 milligrams of salt is about a 1/4 of a teaspoon. Don’t forget most of the things we eat or drink are more than what the label says is a serving, for example: a can of condensed soup is actually 2 to 2.5 servings so you need to times the sodium on the label by how much you eat. One can of soup can contain over a  1/2 of a teaspoon of salt!

I try to keep my salt intake from all that I eat for the entire day to about 1500 milligrams. I can really tell the difference in how bloated my skin feels if I go over this. In addition to the water retention that comes from too much salt intake I find my arthritis really goes bananas if I take in too much salt.

How to be a successful cosmetologist

If you are having trouble paying down your debts, try making a chart or a graph of what you want to accomplish. Place it where you will see it often and keep it updated as you pay things off. One bite at a time is how you eat an elephant and it goes the same way for debt. Take all your loans and credit cards and place them on the chart from smallest to largest. Each will have a minimum payment that must be made. Make it a goal to place at least $20.00 extra per month on the smallest debt. As soon as that debt is paid, take all the moneys you were spending on that loan and divide it among the other debt, now take that $20.00 you were shoving on the smallest debt and put it on top of the next loan in line. This system will knock out your debt without stressing you out because your budget pretty much remains constant. Avoid using your credit cards while doing this schedule. The goal is to pay off credit debt not incur more! Being debt free will give you an amazing peace of mind and a great feeling of power and freedom.

If you read this article you will see they state an income of $45,000. If you are a cosmetology student graduating and thinking that you will get a “job” your going to be in for a big surprise. First, most cosmetology jobs pay minimum wage plus tips if you are lucky which means you will earn about $11.25 an hour or about $23,000 a year. Second, there are over 680,000 cosmetologist in this country and only 280,000 “jobs” Do you see the problem? You will never get your loan paid or save anything to retire on unless you learn how to build your own business and market yourself.

be a successful cosmetologist


how to be a successful cosmetologist

Hello and welcome to my Healthy Living blog. As you may know I am a National level competitive Bodybuilder and I truly believe a healthy body is paramount to a healthy mind spirit. I will be sharing health tips with you to help you live and enjoy a more vigorous and fit life.